Kathleen Baldwin

Kathleen Baldwin

Kathleen Baldwin has written several award-winning traditional Regency romances for adults, including Lady Fiasco, winner of Cataromance's Best Traditional Regency, and Mistaken Kiss, a HOLT Medallion finalist. A School for Unusual Girls, Book 1 in the Stranje House series, was her first book for teens. She lives in Texas with her family.

Updated 09/30/2016

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Books by Kathleen Baldwin

Series by Kathleen Baldwin

Stranje House (3 books)

Speculative Fiction Books

(Stranje House #3 / 3)
2017 | alternate history, young adult
(Stranje House #2 / 3)
2016 | alternate history, young adult
(Stranje House #1 / 3)
2015 | alternate history, young adult

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