The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray
Thaniel, just seventeen, is a wych-hunter. Together, he and Cathaline – his friend and mentor – track down the fearful creatures that lurk in the Old Quarter of London. It is on one of these hunts that he first encounters Alaizabel Cray. Alaizabel is half-crazed, lovely, and possessed. Whatever dreadful entity has entered her soul has turned her into a strange and unearthly magnet – attracting evil and drawing horrors from ever dark corneer. Cathaline and Thaniel must discover its cause – and defend humanity at all costs.
Chris Wooding
Chris Wooding grew up in a small town in the Midlands, where nothing very interesting happened. So he started to write. His first book contract was signed at age nineteen. By the time he left university he was working as a full time author and he has been writing professionally all his working life. Only in his early 30s, Chris Wooding is the author of eighteen books that have been translated into twenty languages. His books have won the Nestlé Smarties Silver Award and the Bram Stoker Award, among others, and have been shortlisted for the Arthur C. Clarke Award and the CILIP Carnegie Medal. He also writes for TV and film, and his first graphic novel is being published in 2012.