Brother to Demons, Brother to Gods
We can Re-Create the Human Race - If We Dare!
So the Creators had promished. And so the Creators had died, at the hands of their own eugenic Frankensteins...
Stargods had ruled for a thousand years. It was an era of idyllic peace
for the faithful, and speedy and merciless death for the "heretics,"
until a set of genes implanted aeons ago congealed and took life in two
unsuspecting Preman orphans. Then there arose the Fouth Creation to
challange the rulers of the multiverse...
Jack Williamson
Jack Williamson (John Stewart Williamson, 1908–2006) was an American science fiction author.
Jack Williamson has been in the forefront of science fiction since his first published story in 1928. Williamson is the acclaimed author of The Humanoids and The Legion of Time. He is considered to be "The Dean of Science Fiction".