The Deadly Streets
A collection of stories.
- Rat Hater
- I'll Bet You a Death
- We Take Care of Our Dead
- The Man with the Golden Tongue
- Johnny Slice’s Stoolie ("I Never Squealed!")
- Joy Ride
- Buy Me That Blade ("Buy Me That Knife!", writing as Ellis Hart)
- The Hippie-Slayer (writing as Jay Solo)
- Kid Killer
- With a Knife in Her Hand
- Sob Story ("He Disappeared", with Henry Slesar, writing as Sley Harson)
- Look Me in the Eye, Boy! (writing as Ellis Hart)
- The Dead Shot
- Ship-Shape Pay-Off ("Pay Up or Else", with Robert Silverberg)
- Made in Heaven ("The Big Rumble", writing as Ellis Hart)
- Students of the Assassin
Harlan Ellison
Harlan Jay Ellison (1934-2018) was an American writer, known for his prolific and influential work in New Wave speculative fiction, and for his outspoken, combative personality.
His published works include more than 1,700 short stories, novellas, screenplays, comic book scripts, teleplays, essays, and a wide range of criticism covering literature, film, television, and print media. Some of his best-known work includes the Star Trek episode "The City on the Edge of Forever", A Boy and His Dog, "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream", and " 'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman", and as editor and anthologist for Dangerous Visions (1967) and Again, Dangerous Visions (1972). Ellison won numerous awards, including multiple Hugos, Nebulas, and Edgars.