The Bleeding Horse and Other Ghost Stories
The Children of the Night Award winner 2008.
Introduction by Jim Rockhill. Cover art by Scott Hampton. Illustrations by Duane Spurlock.
The Bleeding Horse and Other Ghost Stories infests the author's Dublin neighbourhood with an authentic population of ghosts, ghouls and goblins. Brian J. Showers has filled each story with fascinating regional history, local atmosphere and architectural details that are clearly visible today. While this gives the stories a factual flavour, the supernatural twists and turns are entirely fictional. The result is a realistic yet deliciously spooky portrait of a neighbourhood that many in Dublin know well.
- Quis Separabit
- Favourite No. 7 Omnibus
- Oil on Canvas
- Meones' Beast
- The Bleeding Horse
- Lavender and White Clover
- Father Corrigan's Diary
Brian J. Showers
Brian J. Showers is originally from Madison, Wisconsin. He has lived in Dublin since 2001. Brian's first book, Literary Walking Tours of Gothic Dublin was published in 2006. He has written short stories, articles, interviews and reviews for many magazines including All Hallows, Supernatural Tales, Trailer Park of Terror, Dead Reckonings, Whispers & Shouts, Ghosts & Scholars, Le Fanu Studies, Machenalia and Rue Morgue.