A novella.
Ides is a monster. She's got half a face, half a life and half a conscience. Once she was rich, glamorous, successful. Everything the public should want from a celebrity. But like all the best icons, Ides found fame was destructive. Now she's a fallen idol lurking in the sewers. A vigilante whose mask is permanent.
But Ides also has vision. Whether in the mirror or standing in front of her, she knows darkness when she sees it. And so Ides fights for the society that has left her behind. Perhaps to make herself worthy. Perhaps because there's nothing else to do.
In this novella, Adam Lowe introduces us to his anti-hero Monster, former cover girl turned vigilante. This is a powerful exploration of celebrity, power, freedom and the role of the hero in Western culture.
Adam Lowe
Adam Lowe is an award-winning writer, publisher and creative producer from Leeds, who now lives in Manchester. In 2013, he was LGBT History Month Poet Laureate and Manchester Pride Writer in Residence. He has written a ‘national anthem’ poem for the Cook Islands to be performed at Headingley Carnegie Stadium for the Rugby World Cup.
Adam is currently writing a solo show for Contact’s ShortCuts and runs the LGBT emerging writers programme, Young Enigma, supported by Commonword and Arts Council England.