Once Upon A Rhyme
Once Upon A Rhyme is a collection of clean, intercepting stories, best enjoyed when read as a series.
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Once Upon A Rhyme consists of five books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
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Speculative Fiction Books
The Itsy Bitsy Liar (Once Upon A Rhyme #1 / 5)
2024 | fantasy, romance, retellings, fairy tale retellings
Little Bo Sneak (Once Upon A Rhyme #2 / 5)
2023 | fantasy, romance, young adult, retellings, fairy tale retellings
Hush A Bye Lady (Once Upon A Rhyme #3 / 5)
2023 | fantasy, romance, retellings, fairy tale retellings
Do You Know The Muffin Scam? (Once Upon A Rhyme #4 / 5)
2024 | fantasy, romance, retellings, fairy tale retellings
Baa Baa Black Market (Once Upon A Rhyme #5 / 5)
2024 | fantasy, romance, paranormal romance, retellings, fairy tale retellings