Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs
Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs consists of ten books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Star Trek
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Speculative Fiction Books
Star Trek Log One (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #1 / 10)
1974 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Two (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #2 / 10)
1974 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Three (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #3 / 10)
1975 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Four (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #4 / 10)
1975 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Five (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #5 / 10)
1975 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Six (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #6 / 10)
1976 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Seven (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #7 / 10)
1976 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Eight (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #8 / 10)
1976 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Nine (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #9 / 10)
1977 | science fiction, space opera
Star Trek Log Ten (Star Trek: The Animated Series / Star Trek Logs #10 / 10)
1978 | science fiction, space opera