Eagle Against the Stars
Prometheus Award: Best Novel nominee (2001).
When the Lokaron discovered Earth, they picked America to use as their puppet in dominating the planet. They weren't evil; they just insisted, backed up by irresistible weapons, that we trade with them. They played fair – by their rules – but if they didn't own something, it would mean they didn't want it.
At first we tried to fight, but when the ones with the guns say "Let's trade!" it means "Trade or bleed, " even if you eventually aren't going to have a country – or a planet – left. But worms turn, and like the Europeans a century ago, the Lokaron were going to learn a hard lesson from their victims...
Steve White
Steve White (born 1948) is an American science fiction author.
The Stars
The Stars consists of two books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.