Ships to the Stars
SHIPS TO THE STARS is a collection of six of the stories that have
earned him an impressive and well-deserved reputation. It is a book in
which you will discover: Elven, the last of the Wild Ones, who carried
his entire race in a locket; all the creatures and races from
everywhen, parading silently across an infinite desert; and Helen, the
girl who was too perfect to be human... and wasn't.
You will
discover this, and much, much more in SHIPS TO THE STARS – all of it
fascinating, all of it frightningly and wonderfully real.
Fritz Leiber
Fritz Reuter Leiber, Jr. (1910–1992) was an American author of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The son of a pair of Shakespearian actors, Leiber was also an actor, expert chess player, and champion fencer. Born in Chicago in 1910, Leiber spent his youth touring with his parents' theater company. He graduated with honors in philosophy from the University of Chicago in 1932. Leiber married Jonquil Stephens in 1936. In 1938, their son Justin was born. After Jonquil's death in 1969, Fritz Leiber moved to San Francisco, where he died on September 5, 1992.