The Night of the Wolf
A collection of four stories.
- The Lone Wolf (1962)
- The Wolf Pair (1960)
- Crazy Wolf (1944)
- The Wolf Pack (1950)
The Shelter Cities lay deep and soulless beneath the deserted land. But not deep enough to escape the earth-boring bombs that turned them into tombs.
From the radioactive destruction emerged the Wolf people, the nomads, instinctive killers.
And after them the League of Sanity, struggling slowly, painfully to rebuild a wild world that had known the Night of the Wolf...
Fritz Leiber
Fritz Reuter Leiber, Jr. (1910–1992) was an American author of fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The son of a pair of Shakespearian actors, Leiber was also an actor, expert chess player, and champion fencer. Born in Chicago in 1910, Leiber spent his youth touring with his parents' theater company. He graduated with honors in philosophy from the University of Chicago in 1932. Leiber married Jonquil Stephens in 1936. In 1938, their son Justin was born. After Jonquil's death in 1969, Fritz Leiber moved to San Francisco, where he died on September 5, 1992.