Serpent's Reach
The constellation of Hydrus, known as the Serpent, is compact and obscure as seen from Earth's sky. Even in the great area of interstellar colonization it remained obscure. For it was under strict quarantine – harboring an intelligent race, powerful, alien and inhuman.
Yet there were human colonies within the Serpent's Reach, cut off from the galaxy beyond, with their own inbred culture, their Families and traditions, and their special relationships to the inhuman majat.
This is the strange and brilliant novel of Raen, the last of the massacred Sul Family, and of her lifetime pledge to find vengeance. It was to take her across the worlds of the Reach into the very center of the alien webwork, into the strands of thought and counter-thought that knit the forbidden constellation nito a complex of interbred cultures that no outsider coudl hope to unravel.
In SERPENT'S REACH, the Hugo-winning author of THE FADED SUN and MORGAINE trilogies has written her finest science fiction novel to date.
C. J. Cherryh
C. J. Cherryh (born 1942) is the pen name of Carolyn Janice Cherry, a multiple-award-winning science fiction and fantasy writer. She currently resides in Spokane County, Washington.
Cherryh is pronounced ”Cherry”. The author appended a silent ”h” to her real name because her first editor felt that ”Cherry” sounded too much like a romance writer.
The asteroid 77185 Cherryh has been named in her honour.
The Alliance-Union Universe
Mankind has flown to the stars, expanding far into the void. But relations between the colonies and Earth become tense, resulting in the forming of the Merchanters' Alliance and The Union.
The Alliance-Union Universe consists of 16 total books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
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