Midnight Tides
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After decades of warfare, the five tribes of the Tiste Edur have finally united under the implacable rule of the Warlock King of the Hiroth. But peace has been exacted at a terrible price – a pact made with a hidden power whose motives are at best suspect, at worst deadly.
To the south, the expansionist kingdom of Lether has devoured all of its less-civilised neighbours with rapacious, cold-blooded hunger. All, that is, save one – the Tiste Edur. For Lether is approaching a long-prophesied renaissance – from kingdom and lost colony of the First Empire to Empire reborn. And so its people have fixed their avid gazes northward, to the rich and abundant lands and coasts of the Tiste Edur. And beneath the suffocating weight of gold, or by slaughter at the edge of a sword, it seems the Tiste Edur must fall. Or so Destiny has decreed.
As the gathering for a pivotal treaty between the two nears, ancient forces are awakening. For the impending struggle between these two civilisations is but a pale reflection of a far more profound, primal battle – a confrontation with the still-raw wound of an old betrayal and the craving for vengeance at its heart.
Among the Tiste Edur – among Trull Sengar's people – it is believed that the darkest hungers of the spirit arrive on the tides from the south, and these tides come at midnight...
War and betrayal, magic and myth collide in this, the stunning fifth chapter in Steven Erikson magnificent Malazan Book of the Fallen sequence – a monumental achievement that is being hailed by readers and critics alike as an epic of the imagination and a fantasy classic in the making.
"Erikson is a master of lost and forgotten epochs, a weaver of ancient epics... his books are fantasy for grown-ups, but his war-torn world of constant upheavals reminds one an awful lot of our own." – SALON.COM
Steven Erikson
Steven Erikson is a pseudonym of Steve Rune Lundin. He was born in Canada and recently returned there to live after spending several years in the UK. He is a qualified archaeologist and anthropologist and a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
The Malazan Book of the Fallen
A Tale of the Malazan Book of the Fallen is a ten books epic fantasy series written by author Steven Erikson. The scope and breadth of this series is so truly vast as to be unrivaled in the fantasy field today, mostly thanks to Erikson's finely crafted storytelling and his twenty years of experience in anthropology and archaeology.
Using mythology incarnate, vast legions of gods, mages, creatures, dragons, and humans play out the fate of the Malazan Empire, with action and battle scenes among the most brutal and exciting in fantasy, and the landscapes and cities among the most morose.
The Malazan Book of the Fallen consists of ten primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Malazan World
Book Reviews
Midnight Tides is the fifth book of Tales of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. I loved Mignight Tides as much as I've loved all the previous books in this series. This book is a great fantasy book! If you've read all the previous books in this series, you should read Midnight Tides too. This book is an amazingly good fantasy book, which is full of style and depth.