The Borrowers Afloat
In this delightful sequel to The Borrowers and The Borrowers Afield, the beloved family of miniature people – Pod, Homily, and Arrietty – are off on new adventures when the threat of famine drives them from their home in the wall of an old cottage. Their escape down the drain of the washhouse, under the guidance of the wild Borrower boy Spiller, is harrowing enough. But when the leaky teakettle in which they are resting on the riverbank is swept away downstream, then their peril is even greater. This is the story of their strange voyage in search of a home.
Mary Norton
Mary Norton (1903–1992) was an English children's author. Her books include The Borrowers series.
The Borrowers
The Borrowers consists of five books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.