Quest of the Shadow-Forge
In this era of 21st century rationality, when almost everything can be explained on some internet sites, you will find yourself discovering even more mysteries. Through the imaginative interweaving of exciting plots and thrilling escapades, you will find yourself seeing the magic of the universe in a whole new light. While science and technology still sifts through many theories and observations to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, you will learn to understand an even more profound being of the universe – and humanity.
In this story, it is a boy of twelve, with ADHD, who will defy the odds of his handicap to uncover the secrets of his life force connections within the fabric of the universe. But even more, his search for one true friend would help him to understand the true value of friendship. And his growing affection for his parents would allow him to appreciate the hidden value of their mentorship; uncovering clues to the mysteries of their past.
Follow him as his backyard adventure turns into the journey of a lifetime. Witness how a child’s quest for his purpose in life becomes his test of manhood. Join him as he learns that his actions – and the actions of all life forces – are interconnected and have consequences. The Quest of the Shadow-Forge lets you open your eyes to the truth and reality that no journey is without purpose and no life is without the responsibility that comes with each choice made.