The world lies devastated after the massive oil crisis that was described in LAST LIGHT. Human society has more or less entirely broken down and millions lie dead of starvation and disease. There are only one or two beacon communities that have managed to fashion a new way of living. Jenny Sutherland runs one of these groups. Based on a series of decaying offshore oil-rigs - for safety - a few hundred people have rebuilt a semblance of normality in this otherwise dead world. But as her and her people start to explore their surroundings once again, they start to realise not every survivor has the same vision of a better future than their catastrophic past. There are people out there who would take everything they have. War is coming, and the stakes are truly massive...
Alex Scarrow
Alex Scarrow is a British author, whose books include The Candleman, A Thousand Suns, Last Light, Afterlight, October Skies, and the young adult science fiction series TimeRiders.
He is the brother of Simon Scarrow, an author who has also written numerous novels. His book Gates of Rome include the characters Quintus Licinius Cato and Lucius Cornelius Macro from Simon Scarrow's "Eagle" series.
Last Light
Last Light consists of two books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.