Supervolcano: Things Fall Apart
The New York Times bestselling author continues his thrilling chronicle of survival.
An explosion of incalculable magnitude in Yellowstone Park propelled
lava and ash across the landscape and into the atmosphere, forever
altering the climate of the entire continent. Nothing grows from the
tainted soil. Stalled and stilled machines function only as statuary.
People have been scraping by on the excess food and goods produced
before the eruption. But supplies are running low. Natural resources are dwindling. And former police officer Colin Ferguson knows that time is
running out for his family — and for humanity...
Harry Turtledove
Harry Norman Turtledove (born 1949) is an American historian and novelist. He writes historical fiction, alternate history, science fiction and fantasy novels.
Harry Turtledove has written books under three pseudonyms: Eric Iverson, Dan Chernenko and H. N. Turteltaub.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons.
Supervolcano consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.