The Dalek Generation
Sunlight 349 is one of countless Dalek Foundation worlds, planets created to house billions of humanoids suffering from economic hardship. The Doctor arrives at Sunlight 349, suspicious of any world where the Daleks are apparently a force for good — and determined to find out the truth. He soon finds himself in court, facing the 'Dalek Litigator'. But do his arch enemies really have nothing more to threaten than legal action? The Doctor knows they have a far more sinister plan — but how can he convince those who have lived under the benevolence of the Daleks for a generation? But convince them he must, and soon. For on another Foundation planet, archaeologists have unearthed the most dangerous technology in the universe...
Doctor Who: The New Series
Doctor Who: The New Series consists of fifty-one primary books, and includes ten additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Doctor Who