Come to ORANGEFIELD, where Halloween is always special...
In the town of Orangefield, nestled in a glorious orange ring of pumpkin patches in the mountains of upstate New York, Halloween is the best time of year. Orangefield produces the cleanest, fattest, brightest-colored, longest-lasting-after-picking, finest pumpkins in the East, and its week-long Pumpkin Days festival, with its contests, cook-offs and decorations, is the finest celebration of autumn anywhere.
But there is a darker, more secret side to Halloween in Orangefield. For the town has become the home of Samhain, the Celtic Lord of Death, whose own ancient festival became the modern holiday of pumpkin carving and trick or treating. In Orangefield, myths and stories of Samhain abound. But this year myth becomes reality as the Lord of Halloween attempts to usher in a reign of death and destruction to the idyllic town - and the world. The fate of all life rests in the hands of a little girl called Wizard, and the remembrance of a long forgotten horror...
Al Sarrantonio
Al Sarrantonio (born 1952) is an American horror and science fiction author who has published, over the past 35 years, more than 45 books and 80 short stories. He has also edited numerous anthologies and has been called "brilliant" and "a master anthologist" by Booklist.
Orangefield consists of three primary books, and includes three additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.