Al Sarrantonio's great lost novel!
In 1992, after the success of Al Sarrantonio's apocalyptic novel
SKELETONS, Bantam Books was set to publish it's follow-up, UNDERGROUND.
But then Bantam, almost overnight, did away with its entire horror line, and UNDERGROUND went into oblivion.
But now, finally, it's back!
Fans of Al Sarrantonio's horror have been waiting 20 years for UNDERGROUND to see print, and the time is here!
UNDERGROUND, a picaresque tale of, literally, a trip to Hell, with characters such
as Dr. Foostis and Malice in Wonderland, is an amazing journey to the
very center of the Earth. Told in the literary spirit of SKELETONS, it
is sure to astound and entertain. And it's the only unpublished novel
ever by horror master Al Sarrantonio.
Al Sarrantonio
Al Sarrantonio (born 1952) is an American horror and science fiction author who has published, over the past 35 years, more than 45 books and 80 short stories. He has also edited numerous anthologies and has been called "brilliant" and "a master anthologist" by Booklist.