The Lighthouse
The lighthouse stands on the edge of Lake Michigan, sentry against the Great Lakes gales. Intertwined inextricably with personal mythology, it casts a mysterious spell over one young man, prompting his older brother to travel across the country to intervene and embark on an investigation of the past and present, of the divergent paths their lives have taken – and of the mysteries of the Lighthouse itself. This is a story in which the melancholy quiet of small-town America is tinged with the faintest touches of understated mystery.
Jeremy Schliewe
Jeremy Schliewe was born in Michigan and now lives in Tucson, Arizona. His short fiction has appeared in Supernatural Tales. His psychedelic pop band Harsh Mistress has two albums available from Burger Records. He produces music for film and video under the name Eidolon.
Eibonvale Chapbook Line
Eibonvale Chapbook Line consists of twenty-three primary books, and includes four additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.