Band of Gypsies
The riveting new installment in Gwyneth Jones's award-winning Bold as Love saga.
Ax Preston, former dictator, returns to England; he's agreed to take up the job of Green President. At close quarters he finds some outrageous details in the contract, so the Triumvirate decamps for Paris, to sit out the first hard winter after the A team destroyed crude oil in ostentatious poverty. He's quite certain he can negotiate a better deal.
But while Ax and Sage and Fiorinda are embarassing the English government over conditions in the new slavery labour camps, bad things are happening for the President of the USA. Fred Eiffrich's enemies in Washington are about to drop a bombshell, one that will shatter any hope of a return to former realities, former certainties.
What happened at Lavoisier is not over. It's coming back, it's never going to end. At least not while Fiorinda lives... or her child.
Gwyneth Jones
Gwyneth Jones (born 1952) is an English science fiction and fantasy writer and critic, and a young adult and children's writer under the name Ann Halam.
Bold as Love Cycle
Bold as Love Cycle consists of five books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.