Keeper of the Lost Cities Book 11
The upcoming next book in Keeper of the Lost Cities series by author Shannon Messenger.
More info about Keeper of the Lost Cities Book 11 coming soon ...
Shannon Messenger
Shannon Messenger grew up among the sandstorms and giant bugs of the desert and was not sad at all when her family finally escaped the heat. She’s studied art, screenwriting, and television production, but realized her real passion was writing for kids and teens. Let the Sky Fall is her first young adult novel. She is also the author of Keeper of the Lost Cities, Book One in a middle grade series. She lives in Southern California with her wonderful husband and far too many cats and believes In-N-Out cheeseburgers are the perfect food.
Keeper of the Lost Cities
Also known as KOTLC.
Keeper of the Lost Cities consists of nine primary books, and includes two additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads, and the series is set to expand with the upcoming release of two more books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Related series Keeper of the Lost Cities The Graphic Novel