The Wandering Fire
Mythopoeic Fantasy Award nominee 1987.
...holding the Baelrath before her, she saw, in the very centre of the
monument, a figure standing on the altar stone. He was tall and
shadowed, wrapped in the mist as in a shroud, only half-incarnated in
the half-light of star and stone. She fought the weight of him, the
drag; he had been so long dead and she had made him rise.
As the evil of Rakoth Maugrim threatens the very existence of
Fionavar, Kimberly Ford must summon from his resting place the Warrior
Condemned, once more to take his place within the fabric of the
Tapestry. In doing so, she must set in motion ancient curses and
prophecies: eternal lovers will be reunited, supernatural forces be
invoked as Fionavar gathers its strength to face the might of the
encroaching Dark.
From the Cave of the Sleepers, Owein and the seven kings of the Wild
Hunt must be summoned, and the wonderous child within whom Light and
Dark vie for supremacy must be nurtured until the appointed time, for
his destiny is interwoven with the fate of all the worlds.
The five from our own world must cross once again to Fionavar to play out their given roles: Kimberly Ford to summon the dead from their
rest and and the undead to their doom; Dave Martyniuk to bear the Horn
and take his place in battle among the Dalrei of the Plain; Paul
Schafer, Lord of the Summer Tree, once more to weave his own bright
thread through the Tapestry; Jennifer Lowell to become the agent of a
timeless destiny; and Kevin Laine to discover finally the part he is to
play in the struggle to save the Weaver's worlds from the Unraveller.
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Gavriel Kay (born 1954, Canada) is the internationally bestselling author of twelve books. He has been awarded the International Goliardos Prize for his work in the literature of the fantastic, is a two-time winner of the Aurora Award, and has been nominated five times for the World Fantasy Award. His works have been translated into 22 languages. He was retained by J.R.R. Tolkien's estate to work with Christopher Tolkien in the reconstruction of the posthumously published Tolkien work, The Silmarillion.
The Fionavar Tapestry
The Fionavar Tapestry consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.