Rescued by the Hunter
My mate’s scent calls to me. I hunt it, each step taking me closer to the one thing I came to Earth to find.
These silly humans think they’ve captured me. What a joke. They’ve captured nothing! I’m here for my female, and nothing can stop me. I will find her, and I will claim her. She is mine!
When my mate runs right into me and begs for me to take her away, I can hardly believe my ears. Today must be my lucky day!
I need to get out of here.
With certain doom pounding at the door, I do the unthinkable, I beg the massively muscled mauve warrior towering over me to take me with him. To my surprise, the hunter gathers me into his arms, growls, “MINE!” and jumps out of a second-floor window!
I hope this isn't a horrible mistake!
Lynnea Lee
Lynnea Lee is a recovered serial monogamist who now lives in her forever home with the man of her dreams. Still hopelessly addicted to the feeling of falling in love she now feeds her habit with a routine prescription of romance novels and rampant imagination. When she is not dreaming up fantastical stories of love, lust and romance, her hobbies includes talking to her plants, putting on a full face of makeup to stay home on Saturday nights and hugging her dog longer than is appreciated.
Xarc'n Warriors
Xarc'n Warriors Series
Pursued by the Warrior is the Prequel
- Claimed by the Hunter: Alice & Kaj’k
- Wanted by the Hunter: Natalie & Rajiv’k
- Taken by the Hunter: Connie & Jorg’k
- Cherished by the Hunter: Evie & Tarv’k
- Rescued by the Hunter: Nikki & Koriv’n
- Stolen by the Hunter: Meghan & Mal’k
- Captured by the Hunter: Tilly & Rayk’n
- Protected by the Hunter: Siobhan & Zec’k
- Desired by the Hunter: Aanya & Haax’l
- Coveted by the Hunter: Heather & Nov’k
- Craved by the Hunter: Sam & Kan’n
- Treasured by the Hunter: Zoey & Harb’k
Hunter's Quest: Morgan & Rhaz’k is book #8.5 of Xarc'n Warriors & Book #01 of Xarc'n Warriors: Mountains.
Xarc'n Warriors consists of twelve primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads, and the series is set to expand with the upcoming release of two more books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Related series Xarc'n Warriors: Mountains
Book Reviews
I really enjoyed getting to read about Nikki & Koriv’n in this story and loved how sweet Koriv’n was and all the research and planning he had done for when he finally found his mate. I have read a lot of this series before (out of order) and have enjoyed them all and it is fun getting to see some of the characters mentioned here when I know what their story will be in the future and it makes me want to revisit some of their stories since it's been awhile since I read them.