Summer of the Summoned Sword: A Lohengrin Retelling
A princess accused of murder. A knight without a name. A legend retold.
Elsa Brabant, princess of the Summer Court, has learned to maneuver her way around the scheming and political intrigue that have plagued Summer since the death of her uncle, the late King. The constant tension and peacemaking are exhausting, which is why she’s glad she has her older brother Geoffrey at her back.
Until suddenly she doesn’t, and murder charges are being hurled at her feet.
Sir Lowen Green has never been able to stay in one place for long, constrained as he is by the effects of a curse cast in his infancy—it’s hard to make a home when no one can ask you your name. Despite his forced transiency, Lowen is determined to make every moment count, and has taken on the role of champion for the inhabitants of Faerie, and so when news of unrest in the Summer Court reaches him, he dutifully answers the call.
Sir Green expects to find trouble; what he doesn’t expect is the captivating princess of Summer. For the first time in his life, he begins to have hope that his curse can be broken, and he finds that winning the tournament for the crown is not nearly as important as winning Elsa’s heart. But even if he does win, how will a princess love him when she can’t even ask his name?
Seasons of Music and Magic is a series of four retellings of fairy tales found in classic operas and ballets, each featuring a unique cast of endearing characters, sweet romance, humor, and a happily-ever-after. The stories stand alone and can be read in any order, so experience the music and magic of Faerie at any time.
Sarah Beran
Sarah lives in sunny southern California with her husband, two small children, and dog Pippin. An elementary music teacher by day, when she is not writing or devouring books she spends her free time running, making music, or playing make believe.
Seasons of Music and Magic
Seasons of Music and Magic consists of 4 total books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.