Flash Point
A Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile system takes down a passenger jetliner in the skies over Belarus, showering the fields below in burning scrap. As the world begins to mourn the horrific accident, one man—new CIA director, George Lawrence—knows it is anything but.
Three hundred innocents were sacrificed in order to snuff out the life of one man: Professor Alexey Sokolov, a senior adviser to the Russian government.As well as a CIA asset recruited by a ghost known as the Hangman...
Trapp doesn't know any of this. He's hundreds of miles away in rural Tuscany with Eliza Ikeda, and on a mission of his own: recovery. Both are hurting, but this is their chance at a real life. Together.
But it doesn't take long for trouble to arrive at their door. He should have known that his past wouldn't let go that easily.The question is: why did Sokolov run? How did the Russians discover who he truly was—and what secret could possibly justify the murder of three hundred innocent men, women and children to cover up?
Jason Trapp
Jason Trapp consists of ten books, and the series is set to expand with the upcoming release of one more book. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.