Rough Riding Orc Cowboy
The upcoming Rough Riding Orc Cowboy is the second book in Brides of the Lonesome Creek Orcs series by author Ava Ross.
More info about Rough Riding Orc Cowboy coming soon ...
Ava Ross
AVA ROSS fell for men with unusual features when she first watched Star Wars, where alien creatures have gone mainstream. She lives in New England with her husband (who is sadly not an alien, though he is still cute in his own way), her kids, and assorted pets, including a yorkie pup and three cats.
Brides of the Lonesome Creek Orcs
Brides of the Lonesome Creek Orcs in order:
Fake Dating an Orc Cowboy (part of Sweet Monster Treats)
Saddling the Orc Cowboy (freebie with newsletter sign-up)
Wrangling the Orc Cowboy
Rough Riding Orc Cowboy
Buck Wild Orc Cowboy
Sweet-Talking Orc Cowboy
Giddy Up Orc Cowboy
Brides of the Lonesome Creek Orcs consists of 1 total books, and the series is set to expand with the upcoming release of two more books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.