The Planet Cadwal has an ecosystem unique in the human-explored galaxy; a thousand years past it was established as a natural preserve, protected from normal colonization and exploitation. Official residence was restricted to a precisely limited number of scientists and their immediate families. But over the centuries exceptions were made, as children wished to stay on their home world, and the elite of the planet brought in "temporary" employees — employees who were not, of course, "residents". The population grew, until the human Conservators faced a conspiracy of humans and aliens to wrest control of their world away, and open it to full commercial use.
But now, thanks to Glawen Clattuc and his beloved, Wayness Tamm, there is a new Charter for the Conservancy of Cadwal. Unfortunately, it has resolved nothing, nor has it brought peace to the planet. Instead of clarifying the situation, it has hardened the opposition, and polarized the population. Led by Namour and Smonny in exile, one group continues to exploit the population of Yips on Cadwal — people whose illegal status on the planet leaves them unprotected from virtual enslavement. Another faction seeks to restore Cadwal to a pristine condition instantly, and will allow no concerns for life or property to stop them. And in the middle are the governors of the planet and their police force. Newly promoted Commander Glawen Clattuc is charged with apprehending Namour wherever he might have fled among the world of Mircea's Wisp. And Glawen has his own agenda, as well.
Jack Vance
John Holbrook "Jack" Vance (1916–2013) was an American mystery, fantasy and science fiction writer. Though most of his work has been published as by Jack Vance, he also wrote 11 mystery novels using his full name John Holbrook Vance, three under the pseudonym Ellery Queen, and once each using the pseudonyms Alan Wade, Peter Held, John van See, and Jay Kavanse.
Vance won the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement in 1984 and he was a Guest of Honor at the 1992 World Science Fiction Convention in Orlando, Florida. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America made him its 14th Grand Master in 1997 and the Science Fiction Hall of Fame inducted him in 2001, its sixth class of two deceased and two living writers.
The Cadwal Chronicles
The Cadwal Chronicles consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Gaean Reach