George was a shoemaker – but not just a simple artisan. He thought a lot, worried too much, and questioned everything. But he knew when to keep
his mouth shut, and he knew his duty. Life in the Roman Empire was hard
these days, and no one could say it might not get harder. Cities to the
north of Thessalonica on the Greek peninsula had already fallen to the
swarming Slavs and Alars.
The tribes were definitely on the move, bringing their powerful pagan
demons with them: bats with gleaming red eyes spied out the city, diving on the militia men as they patrolled the city walls; giant wolves whose howls chilled the soul surrounded the city; and there were rumors of
worse. Even the satyrs, centaurs, nymphs and other remnants of the Greek pantheon lurking in the mountains around Thessalonica were frightened.
George's city was a Christian light in a sea of pagan darkness. And now
that sea was rising, threatening to wash over him and his little island
as if they did not exist and were of no account.
For George, that was just unacceptable. He was a simple artisan – but
that didn't mean he wouldn't give everything to defend his family, his
city and his faith.
Harry Turtledove
Harry Norman Turtledove (born 1949) is an American historian and novelist. He writes historical fiction, alternate history, science fiction and fantasy novels.
Harry Turtledove has written books under three pseudonyms: Eric Iverson, Dan Chernenko and H. N. Turteltaub.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons.