Jason X
A novelization of the film Jason X.
The unstoppable powerhouse of death known as Jason Voorhees is back. The hockey-masked killer was cryogenically frozen in the act of killing his last victim. Awoken in the far future by science students, Jason immediately goes on the rampage, raising the bodycount with his trusty machete. Although they believe him to be finally destroyed, Jason is rebuilt and upgraded by nanotechnology into an invincible monster.
Jason X starts off a major new series from Black Flame starring Jason Voorhees! Look out for Jason X; The Experiment, also released this month; and much more in the coming seasons. Evil gets an upgrade!
Pat Cadigan
Pat Cadigan (born 1953) is an American-born science fiction author, who emigrated to England in 1996. Her work is described as part of the cyberpunk movement. Her novels and stories all share a common theme, exploring the relationship between the human mind and technology.
Pat Cadigan's first novel, Mindplayers (1987), introduces what becomes the common theme to all her works. Her stories blur the line between reality and perception by making the human mind a real and explorable place. Her second novel, Synners (1991), expands upon the same theme, and both feature a future where direct access to the mind via technology is possible. While her stories include many of the gritty, unvarnished characteristics of the cyberpunk genre, she further specializes in this exploration of the speculative relationship between technology and the perceptions of the human mind.
Jason X
Jason X consists of four books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Friday the 13th