I saw something fouler than I've ever seen before.
Something truly unholy.
I understand now what drove Fastrin mad.
Why he was willing to slaughter us all.
The formerly green fields lie in war-torn ruins. The formerly living populace is undead. And the formerly brilliant necromancer, the mastermind behind the civil war that drove the ruling council into exile, appears to have gone insane. But rumor spreads of a reason behind his randomness – a reason all survivors of Thay must rally against.
Richard Lee Byers
Richard Lee Byers is the author of more than fifteen novels, including the best-selling Dissolution, and Scarred Lands: Forsaken, The Shattered Mask, Soul Killer, The Vampire's Apprentice, Dead Time, Dark Fortune, On a Darkling Plain, Caravan of Shadows, Netherworld, and Dark Kingdoms. His short fiction appears in numerous anthologies.
Forgotten Realms: The Haunted Lands
Forgotten Realms: The Haunted Lands consists of three primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Forgotten Realms