Hugo Award nominee 2013.
Winner of the John W. Campbell Award, Hugo Award nominee, and New York Times bestselling author, Mira Grant is the new star of the genre world.
The year is 2041, and Shaun Mason is in a rotten mood. Everyone he loves is dead or in hiding. The world is doing its best to end itself for the second time. With too much left to do and not much time left to do it in, he must face mad scientists, zombie bears, rogue government agencies, and worse, before the conspiracy that killed Georgia manages to kill the only thing he has left of her — the truth.
The year is 2041, and Georgia Mason is having a bad day. For one thing, she’s not dead; for another, she’s being held by a team of CDC researchers, “for her own good.” And if there’s one thing she knows is true in her post-zombie, post-resurrection America, it’s this:
Things can always get worse.
Newsflesh consists of four primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.