Zarsthor's Bane
It bound them all in a mystic web of ancient peril; the man whose madness drove him to seek it; the boy who followed him; the girl and her cat who crossed their path in the wild and lonely reaches of High Hallack – and the host of spirits waiting in lost An-Yak for the final confrontation of magic with magic, power with power...
Hauntingly illustrated by Evan Ten-Broeck Steadman!
Andre Norton
Andre Alice Norton (1912-2005) was an American science fiction and fantasy author (with some works of historical fiction and contemporary fiction) under the noms de plume Andre Norton, Andrew North and Allen Weston. Norton published her first novel in 1934, and was the first woman to receive the Gandalf Grand Master Award from the World Science Fiction Society in 1977, and won the Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) association in 1983.
Witch World: High Hallack Cycle
Witch World: High Hallack Cycle consists of six primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Witch World
Related series The Gryphon Trilogy