The Faerie's Honeymoon
A novella.
Duvall of Talfryn adores his new human bride. She’s smart, she’s sexy, and they love each other - flaws and all. The half-magic city of Resurrection seems ideal for a honeymoon. It’s less dangerous than Faerie, and Belle can get her first real glimpse of his fae nature.
Problem is, Belle gets a glimpse of more than he counted on. Will this down-to-earth junkshop owner decide an entitled prince of enchantments isn’t who she signed on to wed? Can Duvall overcome his pride and bare his true heart to her?
Only a honeymoon fit for a faerie can settle this conundrum.
Hidden consists of seven primary books, and includes three additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.