Can love bloom between a bookish human and a giant alien?
Gilmat was bred for a very specific set of skills - skills which never developed. Even after finding a new home with his brothers-in-arms, the knowledge of his failure haunts him. He certainly doesn’t deserve the gift of a tiny, fragile female - but he will fight to his last breath to keep her.
When Julie wakes up surrounded by flowers in the. middle of a blizzard she’s convinced she’s dreaming - but the huge green male holding her so carefully is very real. For the first time in her life more than her intellectual curiosity is aroused, even though her gentle giant is as much plant as man.
When outside forces threaten their newfound paradise, will Gilmat’s skills finally blossom in time to save Julie - and the rest of his family?
Each book in the Seven Brides series features a different couple and may be read as a standalone, but the books do link together. This sweet and steamy series is intended for mature readers.
Honey Phillips
USA Today bestselling author Honey Phillips writes steamy science fiction romance about hot alien warriors and the Earth women they can’t resist. From abductions to invasions, the ride might be rough, but the end always satisfies.
Honey wrote and illustrated her first book at the tender age of five. Her writing has improved since then. Her drawing skills, unfortunately, have not. She loves writing, reading, traveling, cooking, and drinking champagne - not necessarily in that order.
Seven Brides for Seven Alien Brothers
Each book in the Seven Brides series features a different couple and may be read as a standalone, but the books do link together.
This sweet and steamy series is intended for mature readers.
After you've enjoyed this series, check out How the Aliens Were Won which takes place in the same community and shares several well-liked characters!
Seven Brides for Seven Alien Brothers consists of seven primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Related series How the Aliens Were Won