The Dragon Festival looms over the horizon, promising great riches and power to any who dare challenge the domain of Terrania's mightiest creatures. From influential individuals to nation-spanning organizations, few can resist the allure of the event's extreme risk and fitting rewards. However, adventurers and nations alike must also contend with the nebulous threat of a world-spanning Shift. The impending turmoil and uncertainty are sure to spill into the Dragon Festival, elevating the affair to profoundly lethal heights. Such rumors, whether genuine or a ploy to scare away competition, are unlikely to reduce the number of attendants. For many, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to reach that coveted Level 100 and the life-extending benefits of the Rank Up that accompanies it. For a few, it is also a chance to reach even further beyond.
For Boxxy T. Morningwood, the Dragon Festival is little more than a giant paycheck. Levels? Rank Ups? Those really aren't as hard to come by as people say they are. All they need to do is ignore silly things like laws and morals and commit an industrial amount of murder. Getting a fresh batch of shinies - now THAT's the real challenge. Collecting strange jewels and unique treasures is a far more difficult task than increasing the numbers on a Status, at least in the former mimic's opinion. That's why the Dragon Festival is so important. A whole bunch of very important people are sure to bring their best stuff to the event, and with loot like that on the line, how could Boxxy possibly resist attending? Of course, the creature knows full well its greed is sure to drag it into all kinds of unforeseen trouble, but at this point, it doesn't even care anymore.
A monster will stay true to its nature until its very last breath.
Everybody Loves Large Chests
Everybody Loves Large Chests consists of twelve books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.