Alternate history, also known as alternative history, is a genre of fiction that explores what might have happened if history had taken a different course. In alternate history, authors imagine a world in which certain key events or decisions have unfolded differently, resulting in a divergent timeline and an altered version of reality.
Alternate history stories can range from relatively small changes, such as a different outcome in a battle or the survival of a historical figure, to much larger alterations that fundamentally reshape the world. For example, an alternate history story might explore what would have happened if the Nazis had won World War II, or if the American Civil War had ended in a different outcome.
Alternate history can also be combined with other genres, such as science fiction or fantasy. In these cases, authors might imagine how history would have been different if certain speculative or fantastical elements had existed.
Alternate history stories can offer insights into the complexities of history and the ways in which historical events and decisions can shape the course of human civilization. They can also provide a thought-provoking and entertaining form of escapism, allowing readers to imagine a world that is different from the one we know.