Shining Steel
In the beginning, they fled Earth to live by the Bible. Generations passed. Tribe begat tribe. It came to pass that each tribe claimed The Truth.
Like his enemies, righteous, mighty John Mercy-of-Christ lifted his shining swift sword against all heretic tribes. Until there come to Godsworld ancient, banished sins: machine guns and plastic; soft, bright-colored cushions; and women, wanton women – all heralding the advent of licentious Earthers, come to upset the just balance of war on Godsworld, offering false peace through the Satanic seduction of trade.
Now John will either succumb to the temptations of ease and greed or learn to battle the incoming corporations – on their own terms.
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Lawrence Watt-Evans (born 1954) is one of the pseudonyms of the American science fiction and fantasy author Lawrence Watt Evans. He writes science fiction primarily under the pseudonym of Nathan Archer.