Vika's Avenger
Twelve thousand years in the future, on a planet far, far away, a country boy named Tulzik Ambroz tracks the man who killed his sister Vika, following him across the poisonous crater that is all that remains of the planet's starport, into the great city of Ragbaan. Ragbaan – site of the planet's original settlement, heart of a civilization that has repeatedly risen to astonishing heights of power and technological prowess, only to fall, every time, back into barbarism. How can Tulzik find his quarry in an anarchic city of three million souls, where the technology of the ancients is considered magic? With interior illustrations by Bradley W. Schenck.
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Lawrence Watt-Evans (born 1954) is one of the pseudonyms of the American science fiction and fantasy author Lawrence Watt Evans. He writes science fiction primarily under the pseudonym of Nathan Archer.