Hugo Award 1985, Nebula Award 1984, Philip K. Dick Award 1985.
Case was the hottest computer cowboy cruising the information superhighway – jacking his consciousness into cyberspace, soaring through tactile lattices of data and logic, rustling encoded secrets for anyone with the money to buy his skills.
Then he double-crossed the wrong people, who caught up with him in a big way – and burned the talent out of his brain, micron by micron. Banished from cyberspace, trapped in the meat of his physical body, Case courted death in the high-tech underworld. Until a shadowy conspiracy offered him a second chance – and a cure – for a price...
William Gibson
William Gibson (born 1948) is an American-Canadian writer who has been called the ”noir prophet” of the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction. Gibson coined the term ”cyberspace” in his short story ”Burning Chrome” and later popularized the concept in his debut novel, Neuromancer (1984). In envisaging cyberspace, Gibson created an iconography for the information age before the ubiquity of the Internet in the 1990s.
Sprawl consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.