The Survivors
There are many stories in Krynn – and history is watching.
Journeyman is charged to use the ancient Anvil of Time to travel back
along the river of time and find the lost stories that fell between the
pages of the history books.
He finds Bradok Axeblade. A chance
meeting in a pub turns into a dire warning of impending apocalypse, and
Bradok and a determined band of dwarves must brave the dark of the
underworld, facing strange new dangers and horrors long hidden from the
light. Hunger, fatigue, betrayal, and death await them, all in their
quest to find safety in an alien environment – the surface world.
Hickman Presents the Anvil of Time is the series title for the
stand-alone biographies of several of the most important characters in
the Dragonlance world.
Tracy Hickman
Tracy Hickman (born 1955) has been writing and exploring fantasy and science fiction since the 1970s. Tracy eventually became a New York Times bestselling author (with Margaret Weis) of numerous series such as Dragonlance, the Death Gate Cycle, Darksword, and Rose of the Prophet.
Together with his wife Laura, Tracy co-created the Dragonlance and Ravenloft games and, more recently, their own fantasy series, The Bronze Canticles. Tracy and Laura live in the Salt Lake Valley of Utah and have four children.
Dragonlance: Tracy Hickman Presents the Anvil of Time
Dragonlance: Tracy Hickman Presents the Anvil of Time consists of four books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Dragonlance