The Ballad of Falling Dragons (Moonfall #2)
The Ballad of Falling Dragons (Moonfall #2) by Sarah A. Parker
Visitor | Literature | 2 posts | 04/24/2024
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Skandar Book 5 (Skandar #5)
Skandar Book 5 (Skandar #5) by A.F. Steadman
Visitor | Literature | 2 posts | 12/09/2024
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The third continent

Wings of Fire Book 16 (Wings of Fire #16) by Tui T. Sutherland
Wings of Fire Book 16
Wings of Fire #16
by Tui T. Sutherland

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Tui T. Sutherland comes the 16th highly anticipated novel in Wings of Fire series which will start a new Prophecy after The Flames of Hope.

This is the first installment of the fourth arc of the Wings of Fire series. 

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There’s 5 new tribes. Spacewings,metalwings, cloudwings,lavawings and maybe grasswings? If you would pick only one, I would be honoured. Maybe 5 principal caracthers? Blade, for grass, star for space,steam, for lava,wind, for cloud  and iron for metal. That was possible names. Do this is the possible  scenarios. A giant blizzard in the past destroyed half of the continent, and they need to survive with one quarter of the continent a frozen tundra. This is another scenario. The lavawings  try to burn the continent and only if the seawings help, the continent would stay. Oh my gosh I’m just so excited! If you read this Tui, I am extremely grateful. From one of your biggest fan, Andréanne. Oh yeah I’m French so sorry for spelling.
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I'm so excited for book 16!!!!!!

When is it coming out?

I think Gemsteel would be a good MetalWing name

A good SpaceWing name would be Astro

Me and my friend think Melt and Magma would be good LavaWing names

Seed would be a good GrassWing name

My friend says Storm would be a nice CloudWing name

I've thought of some of my own dragon tribes so here ther
qzn avatar
1 post
Hey, a few Wings of Fire fans ran into this site online — this is my first time visiting too! I wanted to know, is this book confirmed to exist? Are there any sources for that? So far it's been really up in air whether or not the author plans on writing a fourth arc (books 16-20). I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a placeholder page to fill out with more information when it's available, but apart from this site we really haven't received any indication that the fourth arc is for sure going to be written yet. Thanks for helping clear this up if you come across this post!
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I would maybe suggest the name Astral for the spacewing.
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Yes, Im curious of that aswell, Ive searched it up but havent found anything on a book 16, coukd some one please confirm?
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This is good idea but there isn't enough space for another continent so spacewing made think of a different planet? Is mentioned that there are multiple planets that have dragons? I don't remember where but I think it's in the end of book 15.
Likes (1): Grace <3
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let me know if theres anything happening
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Tui announced that she was going to write a 16th book at an event. There is a video of her saying it on YouTube if you want to check. But it won’t be out for a while cause she’s working on another book at the moment.
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Visitor, (November 10, 2023)Tui announced that she was going to write a 16th book at an event. There is a video of her saying it on YouTube if you want to check. But it won’t be out for a while cause she’s working on another book at the moment.
I would really like a third contident   that has at least 4 new tribes: Aurorawings,Glasswings,Firewings, and Bloodwings. Tui, if you are reading this please pick one of these suggestions 
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I think that Tui's writing the second Dragon Slayer book, which I am hoping for! I want to read more about Wren and Sky! I WANT SKY TO MEET PERIL! These needs must be met.
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Omg yes
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Tbh, I actually don’t want a third continent. I think Tui should just focus on current cast or do a timeskip. Oh, and we definitely need more mudwings.
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II agree that we need more Mudwing action because clays book is really a skywing book
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I think that mudwings need more attention,, but an actual skywing one would be cool.
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Really, I think more WOF books would be wonderful, but a third continent? I think 2 is enough for now. Also, joining in on the names discussion, have you noticed the fact that all of Tui's tribe names are all one syllable before the "wing"? I'm sort of a perfectionist, and I just cannot face that fact that some fans can just make up their own tribes with... Interesting names. Now, I have nothing against yours, and I think this is a wonderful idea. Especially the part about a frozen continent.  
qtp3 avatar
18 rated books, 3 posts
the lava idea kinda reflects on the nightwing island
qtp3 avatar
18 rated books, 3 posts
bloodwings seems quite gory
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I think that the cloud wings should live in the frozen part because techinically clouds you can go through and how would you kill them? Also I think that the cloud wings could suck up some water from the ocean and pour it all over the lava and how did it get frozen?
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Any ideas of the title?
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1 post
Cloud wings should breath lightning that would be sick!
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I think a third continent would be great.
Nightmare beginning. it’s just a random thought, but maybe it be good ...
Thomas Raymond avatar
5 rated books, 5 posts
That would be sick
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2 posts
No, repetition isn’t good. Readers want new content, not old ones
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16 posts
I have 5 other tribes: PlainWings, GemWings, DeepWings, RythmWings, and StormWings. Plain means like a savannah. Also the continent is named Pervidia or Pervudia. 
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16 posts
I think that the title should be Shattered Peace. Also by the way is rhythm one syllable or two?
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